Yeah, let's get this party started.
First blog I've had in a while, last one was on LiveJournal years ago. I honestly didn't even remember that LJ existed until I just mentioned it in the last sentence.
...anyway! I am Kennedy Owen. At the time of writing this post, I am a Computer Science graduate student at Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo in California. I am a nerd first and foremost, I try to be a gentleman first but that usually fails because I am so OPINIONATED, and oftentimes I get very to the point and cynical (which is both a good and bad thing in my book).
Some basics about me:
-I am a nerd in the field of computers and software, so naturally I love video games. I actually do not like watching anime (Japanese Animation) now because I like having both a good story and gameplay to go along with it. I mostly love RPGs/JRPGs. Some of my current, trending favorite games right now are League of Legends and the Ar tonelico series. Many of my all-time favorites include, but are not limited to, the Fire Emblem series, Sonic the Hedgehog series, Skies of Arcadia, Super Smash Bros series, and Rune Factory 3. My childhood is Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2 on the original SEGA Genesis. I grew up with some darn good stuff, I tell you. I also have a whole bunch of video game playthroughs on Youtube, as game playthrough recording is actually one of my hobbies.
-Just as I love video games, I am also interested in the field of computer science, programming languages and software concepts. This means I am heavily into tech news, but I am probably not as hardcore as many in my field can get. I am on Slashdot quite often and occasionally Ars Technica, to name a few (getting feeds through Facebook help though). xkcd is pretty good too, just saying.
-I love analyzing things, but not necessarily being completely serious about them. As an example, I pretty much just play games against the AI in League of Legends, but I love discussing the meta, items, strategies, builds etc. at a higher level because I am an analyst at heart. I love watching professional-level game tournaments. I used to be involved in competitive-level "PVP" in several games such as Pokemon and Ragnarok Online, but since then I discovered that I am more into analyzing higher-level aspects of gameplay than partaking in higher-level gameplay myself.
-I am interested in how people think in general, and heavily considered minoring in Psychology. I sometimes attempt to finish peoples' sentences with a fitting word based on the context. I can ask very blunt questions, but most of the time it's all in the name of figuring things out. This includes finding out the truth of matters, which can get me into trouble sometimes. I figure if you stick with the truth (when the timing is appropriate, there's a time and place for everything) you can't go wrong in life. I also have this glimmer of hope that the internet can be a serious place for discussion and potentially relationships as well, but that hasn't really worked out that well so far. I'm still optimistic, probably stubbornly, stupidly so.
-I am half asian and half caucasian. This means I can in fact jump and I am allowed to make jokes about white people (although I don't usually do this) and asians (All asians must learn to play 3 instruments and get 5.0 GPAs by the time they graduate high school and then become doctors, blah blah blah). I might be good at dancing, I just don't really do it in public. I do sing in the shower often, though.
-I love all sorts of music, but not country, heavy metal/screamer and most rap. I sometimes tear up when I hear heavily emotion-inducing music (currently at the time of writing this post, I am very into Anathema for this reason). I grew up on good old rock and roll, but I'm down for some electronica or pop or whatever depending on my mood.
-I judge people when they use poor sentence structure (spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization or lack thereof). Sorry, I do. if you do nothing but talk like dis an have poor capitalization use alot of wrong words and no punctuatun have tons of mispellengs and rite run on sentences tat dont end...please, just stop. I mean "youtube comment" level of badness, which I believe is pretty bad.
-I find politics to be humorous at times, but mostly entertaining due to back-and-forth wasting of time and sheer lunacy that these crazy (mostly) white, white-haired and/or balding male politicians dream up. I am a registered Democrat but I find politics in general to be highly pointless.
Here's what to expect from me, post-wise:
-Random tidbits about logic. Yes, logic. Logic seems so simple, yet it is too often forgotten, or it is not forgotten but instead remembered then forgotten due to the failure of the person who remembered to write such findings down physically or mentally. As far as my posts go, this could be as simple as a rant about something illogical or as complicated as...a rant about something illogical, actually. It really depends on the context.
-Video game stuff. Self-explanatory.
-Techie stuff. Also self-explanatory.
-Occasional cursing. I do curse often in real life from the safety and comfort of my own home, but I am very careful about it in public and professional settings.
-Reviews about anything I try or play.
-References (relevant internet memes, for example).
-Other nifty and/or awesome things I may come across.
-Rants or complaints about anything, but particularly the Windows operating system which has tons of flaws and issues that deserve to be ragged on...or so I believe.
Aaaaand...that's pretty much it, really. Thanks for reading.
...crud. Blogger integrated with Google+...guess I have to go back to using Google+, now, doesn't it? Sigh...
This is mostly intended to be a musing blog so I can empty my thoughts onto virtual paper, but I appreciate if you take the time to read through some of my stuff here and there. Thanks!
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